"There are two types of assholes but you are another type of asshole" Aditya, my best friend said. I rolled my eyes and ignored him like i ignore breakfast in the morning. We are going God knows where. Adi pulled me out of the car and now we are roaming on the streets. I hate these streets, infact I fucking hate people. My soul has already left my body when i entered this street. So many people are watching us like we are some celebrity. I don't like this.
Aditya tore his pant while sitting in my car. I don't know what the hell he was doing with his pants. And now where are roaming on this street to find him a pant. I suggested him to buy it from some mall or i can arrange pant for him but as always he rejected my offer and that's why we are here.
"There, let's go" adi said and pointed towards a shop. I looked in the direction of the shop and found a small shop of clothes. Shit, i don't want to go inside the shop. I just want to go back to my car.
"I'm going back" i said. Adi looked at me and completely ignored whatever i said and literally dragged me inside the shop. My best friend is insufferable sometimes. I hate it when he does this to me. We went inside the shop and i saw no one there.
"Anyone alive?" Adi shouted and i gave him look.
"Yes" i heard a sweet voice of a lady. She comes out of a room and i blink as i saw her. Black short hairs, red lipstick with black tight dress. She came near us and looked at us without any expressions on her face.
"How can i help you?" she asked.
"Leave that just tell me what do you want?" Adi said before i could have said anything. My mouth freezed right now.
"Excuse me?" She asked with raised eyebrows. She look so innocent for this cruel world. I have no idea how did she ended up working here.
"You are excused. Just tell me do you want water? Coffee? My number? Umm, my big dick?" Adi said and i glare at him. This is the reason i don't go out with him. He can't keep his mouth shut. He is such a talkative machine. And most of the time he talk shit. The women in front of smiled sweetly.
Oh! I think she is too innocent to understand adi's word. I think she is unaware of dicks.
"Listen you fucked up holes, say that again and you will be without balls" she said and i smiled. My smile disappeared as i realised what the hell she said. Fuck, she called us fucked up holes. What does that suppose to mean. I thought she was innocent but she seems to be mother of curse language.
"You cannot call him that" i nearly growled. Look i know my best friend is asshole but only i have the right to call him that. No one else can call him that, not in front of me.
"I am not talking to you" she said to me. I gritted my teeth. What the hell is her problem. I am being nice to her and she is showing me attitude. I already don't like this girl.
"Holy fucking God, can you call sid fucked up hole again" adi said and i slapped him on his shoulder. I was supporting him and here he is supporting her. I think i don't need any enemy, my best friend can fulfill the duty of my enemy.
"There is................." I started but she interrupted me.
"Fucked up hole" she said to me. She seems so uninterested in me. What the hell i have done to her that she is talking to me like this. I'm ceo of the Kapoor industries for God sake.
"You can't talk to me like that" i said and her eyebrows frowned. He started to look around and i blink. What the hell she is doing?
"Are you searching something?" Adi asked.
"Yup, i was searching when i asked for his opinion. I searched everywhere but i couldn't find it" she said and i breathed heavily. Aditya burst into laughter. I closed my eyes and calm down myself. I think i am gonna murder someone today for sure. This girl is so much of herself, what a egoistic person she is.
"That was cool babes. You know i was s............." Adi started to something but i interrupted him. We are not here to gossip.
"Give him a pant. We need to go" i said and directly stare at her. She stare at me back. She is not even blinking. I already lost two litres of my blood because the way she is looking at me. She ignored me and looked at adi.
"What's your size?" She asked.
"9 inches" adi said and grinned like a small baby. I shook my head. She looked at him then burst into laughter. She is laughing like she has heard the best joke of century. And for a fact adi is not funny at all.
I pretended as if i heard nothing. They both are mad. My head has already started to ache.
"What's your name funnyman?" She asked and i checked my watch. I am getting late for the meeting and my best friend is chatting with her.
"Aditya and what is your name and if you don't have a name, I'll call you mine" adi said.
"Funny. Mia my name is mia" she said and i pretended to not interested in their conversation.
"Nice meeting you mia. Meet my bestie, sid" adi said and she looked at me. Her eyebrows frowned and her eyes roamed from my head to toe. I felt little uncomfortable from the way she is looking at me.
"Sid? Like Sidney?" She asked and my eyebrows frowned. What the hell is her problem, firstly she called me fucked up hole and now she just called me Sidney.
"Siddharth,.my name is Siddharth, you meow" i said. The word meow escaped from my mouth. She blink.
"Did you just called me meow?" She nearly shouted. No one has ever dare to shout at me and here a random girl is shouting at me in our first meeting only.
"Yes i call you meow" i said.
"You fucking Sidney" she said and i gritted my teeth.
"Listen mia baby, i need a pant urgently otherwise i would have loved to see you guys fight" Aditya interrupted us. She stare at me and then she rolled her eyes.
She showed him some pant and fortunately they are good in quality. Adi looked some of pant. I waited impatiently for him to choose one pant. My pancreas are dying here. I just want to go to my office.
"Where is trial room?" Adi said and meow pointed her fingers towards the trial room. Aditya left me alone with the most dangerous girl on the planet earth. Silence took place between us.
I checked my watch again, it's been already ten minutes since Aditya went inside the trial room. Why the hell he is taking so much time. We are already late and he is doing god knows what in the trial room.
"Go and call him" i said to her. She lift her eyes and glare at me. Shit, i didn't wanted to be rude to her. She is not even blinking while looking at me. From her expression only i can tell i fucked up. I didn't wanted to say that in rude way but i am getting late for my work. My work is my first priority and i hate it when i gets late for my office.
"Umm, sir look there" she said and pointed towards the floor. I looked down and saw nothing. I sigh and looked at her.
"What is there?" i said.
"Umm, your manners. Umm, you couldn't see them because you don't have one" she said and my eyes darkened. No one has ever talked to me like me.
What the hell she think she is. She just run a shop and she has so much attitude. Look i know no work is small or big but here she is being extremely rude to me without knowing who I am.
I decide to tell her who i am. I think she needs to know me.
"Do you know who am i?" I asked with a slight smirk on my face. She made a face and rolled her eyes.
"No. Go and ask this question to your parents" she said and my soul left from my body. She is fucking rude and egoistic person. I already hate her without any reason. I gritted my teeth, she is first person who is talking to me like this.
I decide to shut my mouth or I'll end up doing or saying something very bad. She is tempting, rude, grumpy and arrogant women i have met in my entire life.
"The pant is great Mia" i heard adi's voice. He came out of the trial room. He wore his new pant.
"It look good" meow said and i rolled my eyes without any reason. Even her voice is irritating me.
"How much?" I asked directly.
"1500" she said and doesn't even look in my direction. What the fuck. What's her problem.
I have problem, when she look at me then i have problem and when she doesn't then too i have problem with her. She is the root of problem.
Aditya paid the amount and i decide to say goodbye miss meow in my way.
"Hope to never see you again" i said.
"Die and you will never see me" she said and the slight smirk on my face left the world. This fucking girl. Why can't she keep her mouth shut. Adi look between us and then burst into laughter.
"That was savage mia baby. I will see you later" adi said and i left the shop or I'll loose my mind. I am so done with this girl. I hope I'll never ever see her in my entire life.
I went back to my car and sat on the driving seat.
"That wa............."aditya started to say something but i cut him off.
"Shut it adi" i said.
In my peripheral i saw him rolling his eyes. I sigh and started to drive. My mood is already fucked up. That girl literally ruined my mind.
We reached the office and i went to attend some meetings. Currently i am planning to start some new project in order to grow kapoor industries. I am the ceo of this company for past three years and everything is going smooth but i want to do something different, something that helps more people.
I was working on my new project that's when my manager shubh came inside my office.
"Sir, some rajvardhan goenka wants to meet you?" He said. Never in my life i have this person.
"Tell him to wait, I'm busy" i said.
"He said it's about your sister" shubh and this gain my attention.
"Send him inside" i said. I know my work is my priority, i love to do work but my family is my responsibility, it's everything for me.
Shubh went outside and i waited to see this rajvardhan. The door of my office opened and i saw a man with white beard. He look pale and thin. From the way he is looking at me is giving me bad vibes. He sat on the seat and i waited for him to open his mouth.
"I have something for you" he said. His voice is so deep.
"What is it?" I asked.
"These" he said and gave me a pendrive. I took the pendrive and looked at him. He is smiling and his smile seems so dangerous to me.
( So that was the chapter guys. Do let me know if you liked it or not. You guys can follow me on Instagram for more information about the book and chapter)
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