I am on my real honeymoon. Last time i went to honeymoon with my girl was complete disaster but this time it's different. I am enjoying it. I am happy and peaceful. This time we decided to go on a second honeymoon so sangquake is the one who picked Maldives as our destination. This honeymoon is the best thing that has happened to me since a long time. My girl is with me, she loves me and i love her too. As expected sangquake didn't wanted to waste time on honeymoon, she wanted to work to help people, but it was me who convinced her to come with me. She needed some break. She had been working day and night to make my NGO successful. There is nothing more than this i want. My NGO is also working good, many people are donating money and clothes and many more things to help my people, all because of my lovely wife. I can't even describe how much happy i am.
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